The newly updated schedules for sixth and eighth B are now live on or by clicking on the links above. The calendar and away game locator also have been updated.
From the league office:
"Divine Mercy / St. Romans has dropped their 6th grade team. Attached are revised schedules for 6th Grade SE, 8th Grade B and 5th Grade SE. There is only 1 match with a time change for the 5th and 8th grade schedules but lots of changes for the 6th grade schedule. Changes are shown in red over orange. Forfeits are shown in green. On the weeks that DM/ Romans had double headers we took their 2 opponents and scheduled them against one another so they would at least have the opportunity to play that weekend and made some adjustments to the times of the matches. We left them at the gyms they were originally scheduled at because there were very few if any options to move them. The weekends that DM/Romans only had one match we just dropped the match and adjusted the times so we would end 1 hour earlier. All the rest of the teams should play at least one match those weekends. All the teams originally scheduled against DM/Romans will get 3 set wins as all of these matches will be considered forfeits by DM/Romans. The matches we added will count toward the standings so the standings will be out of balance at the end of the year because some of the teams will play additional matches. Final standings will be determined by the Win / Loss Percentages. I suspect someone will feel this is unfair, but the main reason the girls sign up is to PLAY and possibly winning a trophy is a bonus so our main goal here is to give the girls the most opportunities to play and although we can't make this entirely even this is the best option we could come up with at this late date. No one is happy about this, but it can serve as a lesson for all of us that when you enter a team of 6 players that the parents need to be absolutely committed to playing before you enter the team and can't change their mind."
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